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version 1.1d

No. 1:

Ahmad, Mohammad Farooq ; Niazi, Mohammad Sadiq 1988: Important edible fishes of Pakistan. Page(s): 1 - 31 .

No. 2:

Ahmad, Mohsin U. ; Anwar, Shakil ; Siddiqui, M.S. 1990: Preliminary observations on the growth and food of the Murrel Channa (= Ophicephalus) marulius Bloch of the River Kali in North India.
Journal of freshwater biology. Vol. 2. No. 1. Page(s): 47 - 50 .

No. 3:

Ahmed, M. 1991: A model to determine benefits obtainable from the management of riverine fisheries of Bangladesh.
ICLARM Technical Report. Vol. 28. Page(s): 1 - 133 .

No. 4:

Anonymous, 1978: Channiformes - Schlangenkopfartige.
In: Ed.: Sterba, G.: Enzyklopädie der Aquaristik und speziellen Ichthyologie. Page(s): 143 - 144 .

No. 5:

Anonymous, 1986: Murrels.
In Ed.: Hawkins, R.E.: Encyclopedia of Indian natural history. Page(s): 396 - 396 .

No. 6:

Arumugam, T.M. 1966: Murrel culture as commercial fishery in Madras state.
Madras journal of fisheries. Vol. 2. Page(s): 54 - 61 .

No. 7:

Arunachalam, M. ; Sankaranarayanan, A. ; Johnson, J.A. ; Vijayakumar, C. 2001: Fishes of the Ramanadhi river in Kalakkad Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve, Tamil Nadu, India.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 98. No. 1. Page(s): 128 - 129 .

No. 8:

Arunachalam, M. ; Sankaranarayanan, A. ; Manimekalan, A. ; Soranam, R. 2002: Fish fauna of some streams and rivers in the Western Ghats of Maharashtra.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 99. No. 3. Page(s): 337 - 341 .

No. 9:

Arunkumar, L. ; Singh, Tombi 1997: On a collection of fishes from the head-waters of Yu-River System with four new records in Manipur.
Journal of freshwater biology. Vol. 9. No. 3 - 4. Page(s): 129 - 133 .

No. 10:

Baird, I.G. ; Inthaphaisy, V. ; Kisouvannalath, P. ; Phylavanh, B. 1999: The fishes of southern Lao.
Lao Community Fisheries and Dolphin Protect Project. Page(s): 1 - 161 .

No. 11:

Beaufort, Lieven Ferdinand de 1911: The fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. Index of the ichthyological papers of P. Bleeker. Vol. 1. Page(s): 1 - 410 .

No. 12:

Bhattacharya, D.R. 1920: On the aortic ligament in Indian fishes.
Proceedings of the scientific meetings of the Zoological Society of London. Page(s): 61 - 75 .

No. 13:

Bijukumar, A. ; Sushama, S. 2001: The fish fauna of Bharathapuzha river, Kerala.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 98. No. 3. Page(s): 464 - 468 .

No. 14:

Blanc, M. 1963: Catalogue des types d'Anabantidae et d'Ophicephalidae (Poissons téléostéens perciformes) en collection au Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle.
Bulletin de Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Ser. 2). Vol. 35. No. 1. Page(s): 70 - 77 .

No. 15:

Boulenger, George Albert 1890: List of reptiles, batrachians, and freshwater fishes collected by Prof. Moesch and Mr. Iversen in the district of Deli, Sumatra.
Proceedings of the scientific meetings of the Zoological Society of London. Page(s): 31 - 40 .

No. 16:

Brittan, Martin, R., Dr. 1995: Snakeheads: vicious but fascinating.
Tropical Fish Hobbyist (T.F.H.). No. 5. Page(s): 74 - 82 .

No. 17:

Burne, R.H. 1909: The anatomy of the olfactory organ of Teleostean fishes.
Proceedings of the general meetings for scientific business of the Zoological Society of London. Page(s): 610 - 663 .

No. 18:

Chacko, P.I. : Growth-rate of twenty-one species of fishes of Madras.
Proceedings of the Thirty-fifth Indian Science Congress. Vol. 3. Page(s): 210 - 210 .

No. 19:

Chacko, P.I. ; Kuriyan, G.K. : On the culture of Ophicephalus marulius, Hamilton, in the Coimbatore and Salem Districts, Madras.
Proceedings of the Thirty-fourth Indian Science Congress. Vol. 3. Page(s): 180 - 180 .

No. 20:

Chacko, P.I. ; Kuriyan, G.K. 1947: Culture of murral fish (Ophicephalus marulius Hamilton) in irrigation wells.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 47. No. 2. Page(s): 392 - 393 .

No. 21:

Crusz, H. 1984: Parasites of the endemic and relict vertebrates: a biogeographical view.
In: Ed.: Fernando, C.H.: Ecology and biogeography in Sri Lanka ( Ser: Monographiae Biologiae). Vol. 57. Page(s): 321 - 352 .

No. 22:

Das, P.K. 1940: Nature and causes of evolution and adaption of the air-breathing fishes (a résumé).
Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh Indian Science Congress. Page(s): 215 - 260 .

No. 23:

Datta, Jyoti Swarup ; Singh, R.H. 1968: A study of the gill-epithelium of certain fresh-water Teleostean fishes with special reference to the air-breathing fishes.
The Indian Journal of Zootomy. Vol. 9. No. 3. Page(s): 91 - 107 .

No. 24:

Day, Francis 1865: On the fishes of Cochin, on the Malabar Coast of India. Part I.
Proceedings of the scientific meetings of the Zoological Society of London. Page(s): 2 - 40 .

No. 25:

Day, Francis 1867: On the fishes of the Neilgherry Hills and rivers around their bases.
Proceedings of the scientific meetings of the Zoological Society of London. Page(s): 281 - 302 .

No. 26:

Day, Francis 1869: On the fishes of Orissa.
Proceedings of the scientific meetings of the Zoological Society of London. Page(s): 296 - 310 .

No. 27:

Day, Francis 1876: On some of the fishes of the Deccan.
The journal of the Linnean Society. Vol. 12. No. 64. Page(s): 565 - 577 .

No. 28:

Day, Francis ; Blanford, William Thomas 1889: The fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma. Fishes.
Fauna of British India including Ceylon and Burma: published under the authority of the secretary of state for India. Vol. 2. Page(s): 359 - 366 .

No. 29:

Deka, T.K. ; Singha, P.K. ; Goswami, M.M. 1996: EUS (UDS): a case and its impact on socio economic status of fishermen of Golaghat district of Assam.
Journal of freshwater biology. Vol. 8. No. 4. Page(s): 225 - 231 .

No. 30:

Deraniyagala, P.E.P. 1929: The Labyrinthici of Ceylon.
Spolia Zeylanica. Vol. 15. Page(s): 79 - 104 .

No. 31:

Deraniyagala, P.E.P. 1945: A new sub-species among some Ophicephalids of Ceylon and India.
Spolia Zeylanica. Vol. 24. No. 2. Page(s): 93 - 93 .

No. 32:

Dhanze, R. ; Sen, N. 1993: A morphometric study of Channa punctata (Bloch) (Pisces: Channidae).
Records of the Zoological Survey of India. Vol. 90. Page(s): 47 - 56 .

No. 33:

Duncker, Georg 1911: Die Süsswasserfische Ceylons.
Mitteilungen aus dem naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg. Vol. 29. No. 2. Page(s): 241 - 272 .

No. 34:

Fraser, A.G.L. 1937: Fish of Deolali. Part II.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 39. No. 4. Page(s): 689 - 711 .

No. 35:

Günther, Albert 1861: List of the cold-blooded vertebrata collected by B. H. Hodgson, Esq., in Nepal.
Proceedings of the scientific meetings of the Zoological Society of London. Page(s): 281 - 302 .

No. 36:

George, M.G. 1956: The anatomy and histology of the swim-bladder in Ophicephalus (Bloch) or (Channa Scopoli).
Journal of the Zoological Society of India. Vol. 8. No. 2. Page(s): 181 - 194 .

No. 37:

Ghosh, A.K. 1997: Ecology of fishes of the River Kosi.
Journal of freshwater biology. Vol. 9. No. 3 - 4. Page(s): 138 - 141 .

No. 38:

Haque, A.K.M.A. 1955: On the morphology of scales in some teleost fishes.
Biologia. Vol. 1. No. 1. Page(s): 82 - 111 .

No. 39:

Hora, Sunder Lal ; Misra, K.S. 1937: Fish of Deolali. Part I.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 39. No. 3. Page(s): 502 - 519 .

No. 40:

Hora, Sunder Lal 1937: Notes on fishes in the Indian Museum. XXVIII. On three collections of fish from Mysore and Coorg, South India.
Records of the Indian Museum. Vol. 39. No. 1. Page(s): 5 - 29 .

No. 41:

Hora, Sunder Lal ; Misra, K.S. 1938: Fish of Deolali. Part III.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 40. No. 1. Page(s): 20 - 39 .

No. 42:

Hora, Sunder Lal 1941: The freshwater fishes of Travancore.
Records of the Indian Museum. Vol. 43. No. 2. Page(s): 233 - 257 .

No. 43:

Howell, G.C.L. 1915: Notes on the respiration of the Murral (Ophiocephalidae).
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 24. No. 1. Page(s): 195 - 196 .

No. 44:

Hussain, K.Z. 1956: Morphology of the tail fin in the Ophicephalidae.
Biologia. Vol. 2. No. 1. Page(s): 21 - 25 .

No. 45:

Jayaram, K.C. ; Venkatesvarlu, T. ; Ragunathan, M.B. 1982: A survey of the Cauvery river system with a major account of its fish fauna.
Records of the Zoological Survey of India. No. 36. Page(s): 1 - 115 .

No. 46:

Jenkins, J.T. 1910: Fish from India and Persia.
Records of the Indian Museum. Vol. 5. No. 2. Page(s): 128 - 138 .

No. 47:

Jerdon, T.C. 1848: On the freshwater fishes of southern India.
Madras Journal of Literature and Science. Vol. 15. Page(s): 139 - 149 .

No. 48:

Jhingran, V.G. ; David, A. ; Ray, P. 1964: Death by cold of fish in the River Gandak, India.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 61. No. 2. Page(s): 195 - 199 .

No. 49:

Jhingran, V.G. 1982: Recent advances in inland aquaculture in India.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 75. Page(s): 589 - 599 .

No. 50:

Johal, Mohinder Singh ; Hanel, Lubomir ; Oliva, Ota 1983: Note on the growth of Ophicephalus marulius (Pisces: Ophicephaliformes).
Vestnik Ceskoslovenske spolecnosti zoologicke. Vol. 47. Page(s): 81 - 86 .

No. 51:

Jones, S. 1946: Breeding and development of Indian freshwater and brackish-water fishes. I.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 46. No. 2. Page(s): 317 - 344 .

No. 52:

Jones, S. 1947: Breeding and development of Indian freshwater and brackish-water fishes. II.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 46. No. 3. Page(s): 453 - 472 .

No. 53:

Jones, S. 1950: Bibliography of breeding habits and development of inland waters of India.
Journal of the Zoological Society of India. Vol. 2. No. 2. Page(s): 109 - 125 .

No. 54:

Juneja, D.P. ; Tilak, Raj 1991: Fish fauna of district Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh) with notes on ecology and zoogeography.
Records of the Zoological Survey of India. Vol. 89. No. 1-4. Page(s): 177 - 198 .

No. 55:

Károli, János 1881: Prodomus piscium asiae orientalis.
Természetrajzi Füzetek. Page(s): 147 - 187 .

No. 56:

Kalawar, A.G. ; Kulkarni, C.V. 1956: Fishes of Kolhapur.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 53. No. 4. Page(s): 669 - 679 .

No. 57:

Karmakar, A.K. 2000: Fish communities and their distribution in Himalayan drainage system.
Records of the Zoological Survey of India. Vol. 98. No. 4. Page(s): 25 - 37 .

No. 58:

Karyakarte, P.P. 1970: Metacercaria of Proalariodes tropiddonotis Vidjarthe, 1937 (Trematoda: Proterdiplostomidae) from the fish Ophiocephalus marulius (Ham.) in India.
Rivista di Parassitologia. Vol. 31. No. 1. Page(s): 69 - 70 .

No. 59:

Khan, M. Hamid 1924: Observations on the breeding habits of some freshwater fishes in the Punjab.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 29. No. 4. Page(s): 958 - 962 .

No. 60:

Khan, M. Hamid 1925: Early stages in the development of some fresh water fishes in the Punjab.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 30. No. 3. Page(s): 531 - 540 .

No. 61:

Khan, M. Hamid 1934: Habits and Habitats of food fishes of the Punjab.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 37. No. 3. Page(s): 655 - 669 .

No. 62:

Khanna, S.S. 1961: The hybranchial skeleton of some fishes.
The Indian Journal of Zootomy. Vol. 2. No. 1. Page(s): 1 - 56 .

No. 63:

Khuda-Bukhsh, A.R. ; Chanda, T. ; Barat, A. 1986: Karyomorphology and evolution in some Indian hillstream fishes with particular reference to polyploidy in some species.
In: Eds.: Uyeno, T.; Arai, R.;Taniuchi, T.; Matsuura, K.: Indo-Pac. Fish Biology. Pro. 2nd Int. Conf. on Indo-Pac. Fish. Page(s): 886 - 898 .

No. 64:

Kok, Leong Wee 1982: Snakeheads - their biology and culture.
In: Muir, James F.; Roberts, Ronald J.: Recent advances in aquaculture. Page(s): 179 - 214 .

No. 65:

Kottelat, Maurice 1985: Fresh-water fishes of Kampuchea.
Hydrobiologia. Vol. 121. Page(s): 249 - 279 .

No. 66:

Kottelat, Maurice 1998: Fishes of the Nam Theun and Xe Bangfai basins, Laos, with diagnose of twenty-two new species (Teleostei: Cyprinidae, Balitoridae, Cobitidae, Coiidae and Odontobutidae).
Ichthyological exploration of freshwaters. Vol. 9. No. 1. Page(s): 1 - 128 .

No. 67:

Kulkarni, C.V. 1947: Note on fresh-water fishes of Bombay and Salsette Islands.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 47. No. 2. Page(s): 319 - 325 .

No. 68:

Kulkarni, C.V. 1951: Local and scientific names of commercial fishes of Bombay.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 51. No. 4. Page(s): 917 - 925 .

No. 69:

Kumar, C.R. Ajith ; Ramachandran, N.K. ; Asthana, Arun 1995: Composition, abundance and distribution of fish in Banganga-Gambhir river system and source of fish to the Keoladeo national park, Bharatpur.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 1. No. 92. Page(s): 30 - 39 .

No. 70:

Liem, Karel F. 1984: The muscular basis of aquatic and aerial ventilation in the air-breathing teleost fish Channa.
The journal of experimental biology. Vol. 113. Page(s): 1 - 18 .

No. 71:

Mahmood, S. ; Rahimullah, M. 1947: Survey of Hyderabad State. Part IV. Fishes of the Nizamabad District.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 47. No. 1. Page(s): 102 - 110 .

No. 72:

Majumdar, N.N. 1958: On a collection of fish from Delhi State.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 55. No. 2. Page(s): 366 - 369 .

No. 73:

Manimekalan, A. 1998: The fishes of Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary, Tamil Nadu, South India.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 95. No. 3. Page(s): 431 - 443 .

No. 74:

McClelland, John 1842: Remarks on Collections also on a new species of Pheasant, a species of Ambassis and Cestreus, a new genus of Thoracic Fishes.
Calcutta journal of natural history and miscellany of the arts and literature and sciences in India. Vol. 2. Page(s): 144 - 152 .

No. 75:

Menon, A.G.K. 1951: Further studies regarding Hora's Satpura Hypothesis. The role of the Eastern Ghats in the distribution of the Malayan fauna and flora to peninsular India.
Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy. Vol. 17. Page(s): 475 - 498 .

No. 76:

Menon, A.G.K. 1974: A check-list of fishes of the Himalayan and the Indo-Gangetic plains.
Special Publication. No. 1. Page(s): 1 - 91 .

No. 77:

Menon, A.G.K. 1999: Check list - fresh water fishes of India.
Records of the Zoological Survey of India Occasional Paper. No. 175. Page(s): 1 - 366 .

No. 78:

Mirza, M.R. ; Omer, T. 1984: A key to the identification of the freshwater fishes of Baluchistan.
Biologia. Vol. 30. No. 1. Page(s): 73 - 91 .

No. 79:

Misra, K.S. 1959: An aid to the identification of the common commercial fishes of India and Pakistan.
Records of the Indian Museum. Vol. 47. No. 1-4. Page(s): 1 - 320 .

No. 80:

Mookerjee, H.K. ; Ganguly, D.N. ; Mookherji, P.S. 1950: Study on the structures of the brains of some Indian fishes in relation to their feeding habits.
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of Bengal. Vol. 3. No. 2. Page(s): 133 - 145 .

No. 81:

Motwani, M.P. ; David, A. 1957: Fishes of the River Sone with observations on the zoogeographical significance.
Journal of the Zoological Society of India. Vol. 9. No. 1. Page(s): 9 - 24 .

No. 82:

Motwani, M.P. ; Jayaram, K.C. ; Sehgal, K.L. 1962: Fish and fisheries of Brahmaputra River System, Assam. I. Fish fauna with observations on their zoogeographic significance.
Tropical Ecology. Vol. 3. No. 1 - 2. Page(s): 17 - 43 .

No. 83:

Munshi, Jyoti Swarup Datta ; Patra, A.K. ; Biswas, N. ; Ojha, Jagdish 1979: Interspecific variations in the circadian rhythm of bimodal oxygen uptake in four species of murrels.
Japanese Journal of Ichthyology. Vol. 26. No. 1. Page(s): 69 - 74 .

No. 84:

Musikasinthorn, Prachya 2000: Channa aurantimaculata, a new channid fish from Assam (Brahmaputra River basin), India, with designation of a neotype for C. amphibeus (McClelland, 1845).
Ichthyological Research. Vol. 47. No. 1. Page(s): 27 - 29 .

No. 85:

Myers, George S. ; Shapovalov, Leo 1931: On the identity of Ophicephalus and Channa, two genera of labyrinth fishes.
Peking Natural History Bulletin. Vol. 6. No. 2. Page(s): 33 - 37 .

No. 86:

Nayyar, R.P. 1966: Karyotype studies in thirteen species of fishes.
Genetica - Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Erfelijkkeids- en Afstammingsleer. Vol. 37. Page(s): 78 - 92 .

No. 87:

NBFGR, 1998: Fish chromosome atlas.
National Bureau of fish genetic resources special publication. Vol. 1. Page(s): 1 - 332 .

No. 88:

Ojha, Jagdish ; Mishra, Narendra ; Saha, Mahadeo Prasad ; Munshi, Jyoti Swarup Datta 1979: Bimodal oxygen uptake in juveniles and adults amphibious fish, Channa (= Ophiocephalus) marulius.
Hydrobiologia. Vol. 63. No. 2. Page(s): 153 - 159 .

No. 89:

Pandey, P.N. 1977: Studies on fish and fisheries in Faizabad (Part. I): Classified list of fish.
The Indian Journal of Zootomy. Vol. 18. No. 2. Page(s): 107 - 113 .

No. 90:

Parameswaran, S. ; Murugesan, V.K. 1976: Breeding season and seed sources of murrels in swamps of Karnataka State.
Journal Inland Fisheries Society India. Vol. 8. Page(s): 60 - 67 .

No. 91:

Parameswaran, S. ; Murugesan, V.K. 1976: Observations on the hypophysation of murrels (Ophicephalidae).
Hydrobiologia. Vol. 50. No. 1. Page(s): 81 - 87 .

No. 92:

Parker, Steve 1990: Fische; die geheimnisvolle Welt der Süss- und Salzwasserfische; Evolution, Aussehen, Lebensräume.
Sehen, Staunen, Wissen. Page(s): 1 - 64 .

No. 93:

Petr, T. 1999: Coldwater fish and fisheries in Bhutan.
In: Ed: Petr, T.: Fish and fisheries at higher altitudes: Asia. FAO Fisheries Tech. Paper No. 385. Page(s): 6 - 12 .

No. 94:

Pillai, R.S. ; Hattar, J.S.J. 1972: Rain of fish in Shillong. Meghalaya.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 69. No. 2. Page(s): 202 - 204 .

No. 95:

Qasim, S.Z. ; Qayyum, A. 1964: Existing fishery of Aligarh.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 61. No. 1. Page(s): 697 - 700 .

No. 96:

Rahimullah, M. 1943: Fish survey of Hyderabad State. Part II.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 44. No. 1 - 2. Page(s): 88 - 91 .

No. 97:

Rahimullah, M. 1944: Fish survey of Hyderabad State. Part III.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 45. No. 1 - 2. Page(s): 73 - 76 .

No. 98:

Rahman, A.K.A. 1989: Freshwater fishes of Bangladesh. Page(s): 1 - 364 .

No. 99:

Ranade, M.R. 1951: A checklist of fishes occurring in the freshwaters of Baroda.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 51. No. 2. Page(s): 472 - 474 .

No. 100:

Rao, M. Babu ; Pan, Peetambar 1993: Studies on the ecology and fish fauna of an oligotrophic lake Himayat Sagar, Hyderabad, Andra Pradesh.
In: Ed.: Rao, K.S.: Recent advances in fresh-water biology. Vol. 2. Page(s): 73 - 98 .

No. 101:

Riehl, R. ; Baensch, H.A. : Channa marulia.
Aquarien Atlas. Vol. 5. Page(s): 1005 - 1005 .

No. 102:

Roy, P.K. ; Datta Munshi, Jyoti Swarup 1996: Morphometrics of the respiratory system of air-breathing fishes of India.
In: Eds.: Datta Munshi, J.S., Dutta, Hiran M.: Fish Morphology. Horizon of new research. Page(s): 203 - 234 .

No. 103:

Schmidt, Jürgen 1989: Channa marulia marulia, der Augenfleck-Schlangenkopf.
Deutsche Aquarien und Terrarien Zeitschrift (DATZ). No. 2. Page(s): 73 - 73 .

No. 104:

Sehgal, K.L. 1956: On a collection of fish from Assam.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 53. No. 4. Page(s): 717 - 724 .

No. 105:

Sehgal, K.L. 1973: Fisheries survey of Himachal Pradesh and some adjacent areas with special reference to trout, mahseer, and allied species.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 70. No. 3. Page(s): 458 - 474 .

No. 106:

Sehgal, K.L. 1999: Coldwater fish and fisheries in the Western Ghats, India.
In: Ed: Petr, T.: Fish and fisheries at higher altitudes: Asia. FAO Fisheries Tech. Paper No. 385. No. 385. Page(s): 103 - 121 .

No. 107:

Sen, T.K. 1985: The fish fauna of Assam and the neighbouring north-eastern states of India.
Records of the Zoological Survey of India Occasional Paper. No. 64. Page(s): 1 - 216 .

No. 108:

Sen, Nibedita 1995: Fauna of Meghalaya.
In: Ed.: The director Zool. Surv. of India: State fauna series. Vol. 4. No. 1. Page(s): 483 - 607 .

No. 109:

Shaji, C.P. ; Easa, P.S. ; Gopalakrishnan, A. 2000: Freshwater fish diversity of Western Ghats.
In: Eds.: Ponniah, A.G.; Gopalakrishnan, A.: Endemic Fish Diversity of Western Ghats. NBFGR-NATP Publication. Vol. 1. Page(s): 33 - 35 .

No. 110:

Sharma, U.P. ; Pandey, K.N. ; Prakash, Ved 1994: Ecology of fishes of Kawar Lake Wetland (Begusarai) Bihar..
Journal of freshwater biology. Vol. 6. No. 1. Page(s): 49 - 55 .

No. 111:

Shaw, G.E. ; Shebbeare, E.O. 1937: The fishes of northern Bengal.
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal. Vol. 3. Page(s): 1 - 124 .

No. 112:

Shrestha, Jiwan ; Shreshta, Jiwan 1978: Fish-Fauna of Nepal.
Journal of Natural History Museum. Vol. 2. No. 1. Page(s): 33 - 43 .

No. 113:

Singh, Satyendra Prasan 1967: Histology and histochemistry of the olfactory epithelium of certain fresh-water Teleosts.
The Indian Journal of Zootomy. Vol. 8. No. 3. Page(s): 87 - 108 .

No. 114:

Singh, Satyendra Prasan 1974: Fishes of Moradabad (U.P.).
The Indian Journal of Zootomy. Vol. 15. No. 2. Page(s): 75 - 78 .

No. 115:

Singh, R.K. ; Munshi, Jyoti Swarup Datta 1978: On the structure of the eye-muscle and myodomes in certain Indian fresh-water fishes.
The Indian Journal of Zootomy. Vol. 19. No. 1.

No. 116:

Singh, B.R. 1993: Development, origin and evolution of the neo-morphic air breathing organs of teleosts1993.
In: Ed.: Singh, B.R.: Advances in fish research. Page(s): 1 - 15 .

No. 117:

Sinha, R.K. ; Singh, S.P. ; Singh, S.B. 1978: Fishes of Gaya (Bihar).
The Indian Journal of Zootomy. Vol. 19. No. 2. Page(s): 125 - 127 .

No. 118:

Sinha, G.M. 1993: Histomorphology of the alimentary canal in Indian fresh water teleosts.
In: Ed.: Rao, K.S.: Recent advances in fresh-water biology. Vol. 1. Page(s): 193 - 220 .

No. 119:

Smith, Hugh M. 1948: The fresh-water fishes of Siam, or Thailand.
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. 188. Page(s): 1 - 467 .

No. 120:

Southwell, T. 1915: On some Indian parasites of fish, with a note on carcinoma in Trout.
Records of the Indian Museum. Vol. 11. Page(s): 311 - 330 .

No. 121:

Spence, Reginald, Sir 1932: Game fishes of Bombay, the Deccan and the neighbouring districts of the Bombay presidency.
The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. 36. Page(s): 29 - 66 .

No. 122:

Sriramlu, R. 1979: Observation on the breeding periodicities of the murrel Channa striatus and Channa marulius.
Comparative Physiology and Ecology. Vol. 4. No. 2. Page(s): 61 - 61 .

No. 123:

Srivastava, C.B. ; Chandra, Ravish ; Wishard, S.K. 1966: On a collection of fish from river Ken in Banda District (U.P.).
Records of the Zoological Survey of India. Vol. 64. No. 1-4. Page(s): 131 - 134 .

No. 124:

Srivastava, V.M.S. ; Venkateswarlu, T. 1976: Fishes of Uttar Pradesh (India).
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