Display of the chosen bibRefs

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No. 1:

Bauchot, M.-L. ; Desoutter, M. ; Hoese, D.F. ; Larson, H.K. 1991: Catalogue critique des types de poissons du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. (Suite) Sous-ordre des Gobioidei.
Bulletin de Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle (Ser. 4) Sect. A.. Vol. 13. No. 1-2, suppl.. Page(s): 1 - 82 .

No. 2:

Beaufort, Lieven Ferdinand de 1911: The fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. Index of the ichthyological papers of P. Bleeker. Vol. 1. Page(s): 1 - 410 .

No. 3:

Blanc, M. 1963: Catalogue des types d'Anabantidae et d'Ophicephalidae (Poissons téléostéens perciformes) en collection au Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle.
Bulletin de Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Ser. 2). Vol. 35. No. 1. Page(s): 70 - 77 .

No. 4:

Bleeker, Pieter 1873: Mémoire sur la fauna ichthyologique de Chine.
Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Dierkunde. Vol. 4. Page(s): 113 - 154 .

No. 5:

Bleeker, Pieter 1879: Mémoire sur les poissons à Pharyngiens Labyrinthiformes de l'Inde Archipélagique.
Natuurkundige Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie. Page(s): 29 - 56 .

No. 6:

Brock, Vernon E. 1960: The introduction of aquatic animals into Hawaiian waters.
Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie. Vol. 45. No. 4. Page(s): 463 - 480 .

No. 7:

Chen, Lo-chai 1991: Snakehead Culture.
In: Aquaculture in Taiwan. Page(s): 39 - 42 .

No. 8:

Chiba, K. ; Taki, Yasuhiko ; Sakai, K. ; Oozeki, K. 1989: Present status of aquatic organisms introduced into Japan.
In: Ed.: De Silva, S.S. - Exotic aquatic organisms in Asia. Spec. Publ. Asian Fish. Soc.. Vol. 3. Page(s): 63 - 70 .

No. 9:

Herre, Albert W.C.T. ; Myers, George S. 1931: Fishes from Southeastern China and Hainan, China.
Lingnan science journal. Vol. 10. No. 2-3. Page(s): 233 - 260 .

No. 10:

Herre, Albert W.C.T. 1932: Fishes from Kwangtung Province and Hainan Island, China.
Lingnan science journal. Vol. 11. No. 3. Page(s): 423 - 443 .

No. 11:

Hoffmann, William E. 1937: Distributional notes on some Kwangtung and Kwangsi fishes.
Lingnan science journal. Vol. 16. No. 1. Page(s): 94 - 233 .

No. 12:

Jordan, David Starr ; Evermann, Barton Warren 1903: Notes on a collection of fishes from the island of Formosa.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum. Vol. 25. Page(s): 315 - 368 .

No. 13:

Jordan, David Starr ; Seale, Alvin 1907: List of fishes collected at Hong Kong by Captain William Finch, with description of five new species.
Proceedings of the Davenport Academy of Science. Vol. 10. Page(s): 1 - 17 .

No. 14:

Jordan, David Starr ; Richardson, Robert Earl 1909: A catalog of the fishes of the island of Formosa, or Taiwan, based on the collection of Dr. Hans Sauter.
Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum. Vol. 4. No. 4. Page(s): 159 - 204 .

No. 15:

Jordan, David Starr ; Jordan, Eric Knight 1922: A list of the fishes of Hawaii, with notes and descriptions of new species.
Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum. Vol. 10. No. 1. Page(s): 1 - 92 .

No. 16:

Károli, János 1881: Prodomus piscium asiae orientalis.
Természetrajzi Füzetek. Page(s): 147 - 187 .

No. 17:

Kner, Rudolf 1867: Expedition der Novara. Zoologischer Theil. Fische.
Reisen der Expedition der Novara. Vol. 2. Page(s): 232 - 236 .

No. 18:

Kok, Leong Wee 1982: Snakeheads - their biology and culture.
In: Muir, James F.; Roberts, Ronald J.: Recent advances in aquaculture. Page(s): 179 - 214 .

No. 19:

Kreyenberg, M. ; Pappenheim, P. 1910: Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Fische des Jangtze und seiner Zuflüsse.
Abhandlungen u. Berichte a. d. Museum für Natur- u. Heimatkunde u. d. naturwissenschaftlichen Verein in Magdeburg. Vol. 2.

No. 20:

Liao, C.-I. ; Su, H.-M. ; Chang, E.Y 2001: Techniques in finfish larviculture in Taiwan.
Aquaculture: an international journal devoted to research on the exploration, improvement and management .... Vol. 200. Page(s): 1 - 31 .

No. 21:

Lin, Shu-Yen 1932: On freshwater fishes of Heungchow.
Lingnan science journal. Vol. 11. No. 1. Page(s): 63 - 68 .

No. 22:

Myers, George S. ; Shapovalov, Leo 1931: On the identity of Ophicephalus and Channa, two genera of labyrinth fishes.
Peking Natural History Bulletin. Vol. 6. No. 2. Page(s): 33 - 37 .

No. 23:

Nichols, John Treadwell ; Pope, Clifford H. 1927: The fishes of Hainan.
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. 54. Page(s): 321 - 394 .

No. 24:

Oshima, Masamitsu 1919: Contributions to the study of the fresh water fishes of the island of Formosa.
Annals of the Carnegie Museum. Publications of the Carnegie Museum Serial No. 97.. Vol. 12. Page(s): 169 - 328 .

No. 25:

Oshima, Masamitsu 1920: Notes on freshwater fishes of Formosa, with descriptions of new genera and species.
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural History, Philadelphia. Vol. 72. Page(s): 120 - 188 .

No. 26:

Oshima, Masamitsu 1926: Notes on a collection of fishes from Hainan, obtained by Prof. S. F. Light.
Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses. Vol. 11. No. 1. Page(s): 1 - 25 .

No. 27:

Pellegrin, Jacques 1907: Mission permanente Francaise en Indo-Chine. Poissons du Tonkin.
Bulletin de Musée National d'Histoire Naturelle. No. 7. Page(s): 499 - 502 .

No. 28:

Reinthal, P.N. ; Stiassny, M.L.J. 1991: The freshwater fishe of Madagascar: a study of an endangered fauna with recommendations for a conservative strategy.
Conservation Biology. Vol. 5. No. 2. Page(s): 231 - 242 .

No. 29:

Reinthal, P.N. ; Stiassny, Melanie L.J. 1997: Revision of the Madagascan genus Ptychochromoides (Teleostei: Cichlidae), with description of a new species.
Ichthyological exploration of freshwaters. Vol. 7. No. 4. Page(s): 353 - 368 .

No. 30:

Rendahl, Halmar 1928: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der chinesischen Süsswasserfische.
Arkiv för Zoologi. Vol. 20. No. 1. Page(s): 1 - 194 .

No. 31:

Richardson, John M. 1842: Report on the Ichthyology of the Seas of China and Japan.
Report of the British Association fot the Advancement of Science. Page(s): 1 - 320 .

No. 32:

Rutter, Cloudsley 1897: A collection of fishes obtained in Swatow, China by Miss Adele M. Fielde.
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural History, Philadelphia. Page(s): 56 - 90 .

No. 33:

Sauvage, H.E. ; Thiersant, David, de 1874: Notes sur les poissons des eaux douces de Chine.
Ann. Sci. Nat. (Ser. 6), Zool. et Paleont.. Vol. 1. No. 5.

No. 34:

Shi, Huai-Jen 1936: Notes on the labyrinth fish of China.
Bulletin of the Fan Memorial Institute of Biology (Zool. Series). Vol. 7. No. 3. Page(s): 67 - 97 .

No. 35:

Smith, Hugh 1907: Our fish immigrants.
National Geographic Magazine. Vol. June. Page(s): 383 - 400 .

No. 36:

Wu, Hsien-wen 1929: Study of the fishes of Amoy, Part I.
Contributions from the biological laboratory of the Science Society of China. Vol. 5. No. 4.

No. 37:

Yamamoto, M. 1982: Comparative morphology of the peripheral olfactory organ in Teleosts.
In: Ed.: Hara, T.J.: Chemoreception in fishes. Developments in aquaculture and fisheries science. Vol. 8. Page(s): 39 - 59 .

No. 38:

Yang, Hung-chia ; Chen, Tung-pai 1971: Common food fish of Taiwan.
Fisheries series. Vol. 10. Page(s): 1 - 98 .

No. 39:

Yazdani, G.M. ; Om, Prakash 1990: The importance of urohyal in fish systematics.
Records of the Zoological Survey of India. Vol. 87. No. 4. Page(s): 277 - 292 .

No. 40:

Yen, Mai Dinh 1985: Species composition and distribution of the freshwater fish fauna of the North of Vietnam.
Hydrobiologia. Vol. 121. Page(s): 281 - 286 .

No. 41:

Yu, K.L. ; Woo, N.Y.S. 1987: Metabolic adjustment of an air-breathing teleost, Channa maculata, to acute and prolonged exposure to hypoxic water.
Journal of fish biology. Vol. 31. Page(s): 165 - 175 .

No. 42:

Zheng, Baoshan 1987: Fishes.
In: Horie, Shoji: Lake Biwa (Monographiae Biologicae vol. 54). Page(s): 1 - 295 .