Display of the chosen bibRefs

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No. 1:

Battacharjya, B.K. ; Das, S.K. ; Choudhury, M. ; Mahanta, P.C. 1998: Occurence, fishery and conservation status of the barca snakehead, Channa barca (Hamilton-Buchanan) in Assam.
Journal of nature conservation : an international journal devoted to natural resource conservation and .... Vol. 10. No. 2. Page(s): 185 - 194 .

No. 2:

Musikasinthorn, Prachya 2000: Channa aurantimaculata, a new channid fish from Assam (Brahmaputra River basin), India, with designation of a neotype for C. amphibeus (McClelland, 1845).
Ichthyological Research. Vol. 47. No. 1. Page(s): 27 - 29 .

No. 3:

Schnieder, Matthias 2003: New Channa Experiences.
Aquaristik Fachmagazin. Vol. 33. No. 171. Page(s): 38 - 42 .