Display of the chosen bibRefs

version 1.1d

No. 1:

Anonymous, 1986: Schlangenkopffische.
In: Lexikon der Biologie in acht Bänden. Vol. 7. Page(s): 295 - 296 .

No. 2:

Beaufort, Lieven Ferdinand de 1911: The fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. Index of the ichthyological papers of P. Bleeker. Vol. 1. Page(s): 1 - 410 .

No. 3:

Bleeker, Pieter 1873: Mémoire sur la fauna ichthyologique de Chine.
Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Dierkunde. Vol. 4. Page(s): 113 - 154 .

No. 4:

Brittan, Martin, R., Dr. 1995: Snakeheads: vicious but fascinating.
Tropical Fish Hobbyist (T.F.H.). No. 5. Page(s): 74 - 82 .

No. 5:

Cui, J. ; Ren, X. ; Yu, Q. 1991: Nuclear DNA content variation in fishes.
Cytologia. Vol. 56. Page(s): 425 - 429 .

No. 6:

Fowler, Henry W. 1924: Some fishes collected by the Third Asiatic Expedition in China.
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. 50. No. 7. Page(s): 373 - 405 .

No. 7:

Günther, Albert 1867: Pisces.
In: Ed.: Günther, A.: The Record of Zoological Literature. 1866. Vol. 3. Page(s): 131 - 160 .

No. 8:

Günther, Hans-Jürgen 1988: Schlangenkopffische - aquaristische Raritäten.
Das Aquarium. No. 224. Page(s): 79 - 83 .

No. 9:

Herre, Albert W.C.T. ; Myers, George S. 1931: Fishes from Southeastern China and Hainan, China.
Lingnan science journal. Vol. 10. No. 2-3. Page(s): 233 - 260 .

No. 10:

Herre, Albert W.C.T. 1932: Fishes from Kwangtung Province and Hainan Island, China.
Lingnan science journal. Vol. 11. No. 3. Page(s): 423 - 443 .

No. 11:

Hervey, G.F. ; Hems, Jack 1953: Channidae (=Ophicephalidae).
Freshwater tropical aquarium fishes. Page(s): 1 - 430 .

No. 12:

Hoffmann, William E. 1937: Distributional notes on some Kwangtung and Kwangsi fishes.
Lingnan science journal. Vol. 16. No. 1. Page(s): 94 - 233 .

No. 13:

Jordan, David Starr ; Evermann, Barton Warren 1903: Notes on a collection of fishes from the island of Formosa.
Proceedings of the United States National Museum. Vol. 25. Page(s): 315 - 368 .

No. 14:

Jordan, David Starr ; Richardson, Robert Earl 1909: A catalog of the fishes of the island of Formosa, or Taiwan, based on the collection of Dr. Hans Sauter.
Memoirs of the Carnegie Museum. Vol. 4. No. 4. Page(s): 159 - 204 .

No. 15:

Károli, János 1881: Prodomus piscium asiae orientalis.
Természetrajzi Füzetek. Page(s): 147 - 187 .

No. 16:

Lönnberg, Einar 1896: Linnaean type-specimens of birds, reptiles, batrachians and fishes in the zoological museum of the Royal University in Upsala.
Bihang till Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar. Vol. 22. No. 1. Page(s): 3 - 45 .

No. 17:

Meinken, M. 1973: Ordnung Schlangenkopffische.
In: Grzimeks Tierleben in 13 Bänden. Vol. 5. Page(s): 43 - 48 .

No. 18:

Myers, George S. ; Shapovalov, Leo 1931: On the identity of Ophicephalus and Channa, two genera of labyrinth fishes.
Peking Natural History Bulletin. Vol. 6. No. 2. Page(s): 33 - 37 .

No. 19:

Nichols, John Treadwell 1918: New Chinese fishes.
Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Vol. 31. Page(s): 15 - 20 .

No. 20:

Nichols, John Treadwell ; Pope, Clifford H. 1927: The fishes of Hainan.
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. Vol. 54. Page(s): 321 - 394 .

No. 21:

Oshima, Masamitsu 1919: Contributions to the study of the fresh water fishes of the island of Formosa.
Annals of the Carnegie Museum. Publications of the Carnegie Museum Serial No. 97.. Vol. 12. Page(s): 169 - 328 .

No. 22:

Paepke, Hans-Joachim 1993: Kritischer Katalog der Typen der Fischsammlung des Zoologischen Museums Berlin. Teil 5: Channoidei.
Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin. Vol. 69. No. 2. Page(s): 255 - 259 .

No. 23:

Peters, W. 1864: Über einige Säugethiere (Mormops, Macrotus, Vesperus, Molossus, Capromys), Amphibien (Platydactylus, Otocryptis, Euprepes, Ungalia, Dromicus, Tropidonotus, Xenodon, Hylodes) und Fische (Sillago, Sebastes, Channa, Myctophum, Carassius, Barbus ..).
Monatsberichte der Königlich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Page(s): 391 - 399 .

No. 24:

Rendahl, Halmar 1928: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der chinesischen Süsswasserfische.
Arkiv för Zoologi. Vol. 20. No. 1. Page(s): 1 - 194 .

No. 25:

Richardson, John M. 1842: Report on the Ichthyology of the Seas of China and Japan.
Report of the British Association fot the Advancement of Science. Page(s): 1 - 320 .

No. 26:

Riehl, R. ; Baensch, H.A. : Channa asiatica.
Aquarien Atlas. Vol. 3. Page(s): 671 - 671 .

No. 27:

Rutter, Cloudsley 1897: A collection of fishes obtained in Swatow, China by Miss Adele M. Fielde.
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural History, Philadelphia. Page(s): 56 - 90 .

No. 28:

Sauvage, H.E. 1879: Description de quelques poissons d'espèces nouvelles de la collection du Muséum d'Histoire naturelle.
Bulletin de la Société Philomatique de Paris. Vol. 3. Page(s): 204 - 209 .

No. 29:

Sauvage, H.E. 1880: Sur une espèce nouvelle de Channa.
Bulletin de la Société Philomatique de Paris (Ser. 7). Vol. 4. Page(s): 58 - 58 .

No. 30:

Shi, Huai-Jen 1936: Notes on the labyrinth fish of China.
Bulletin of the Fan Memorial Institute of Biology (Zool. Series). Vol. 7. No. 3. Page(s): 67 - 97 .

No. 31:

Steindachner, Franz 1866: Ichthyologische Mitteilungen (VIII).
Verhandlungen der kaiserlich-königlich zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Vol. 16. Page(s): 761 - 796 .

No. 32:

Steindachner, Franz 1866: Ichthyologische Mitteilungen IX: 5. Über ein neues Cyprinoiden-Geschlecht von Hongkong.
Verhandlungen der kaiserlich-königlich zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Vol. 16. Page(s): 782 - 782 .

No. 33:

Tchang, Tchung-Lin 1928: A review of the fishes of Nanking.
Contributions from the biological laboratory of the Science Society of China. Vol. 4. No. 4. Page(s): 1 - 42 .

No. 34:

Whitehead, P.J.P. 1969: The Reeves Collection of Chines fish drawings.
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Historical series. Vol. 3. No. 7. Page(s): 191 - 233 .

No. 35:

Wu, Hsien-wen 1929: Study of the fishes of Amoy, Part I.
Contributions from the biological laboratory of the Science Society of China. Vol. 5. No. 4.

No. 36:

Yen, Mai Dinh 1985: Species composition and distribution of the freshwater fish fauna of the North of Vietnam.
Hydrobiologia. Vol. 121. Page(s): 281 - 286 .

No. 37:

Zhang, Chun-Guang ; Musikasinthorn, Prachya ; Watanabe, Katsutoshi 2002: Channa nox, a new channid fish lacking a pelvic fin from Guangxi, China.
Ichthyological Research. Vol. 49. Page(s): 140 - 146 .

No. 38:

Zheng, Baoshan 1987: Fishes.
In: Horie, Shoji: Lake Biwa (Monographiae Biologicae vol. 54). Page(s): 1 - 295 .