Fish from India and Persia

J.T. Jenkins

Table of Contents (ToC)

  1. Fishes from the Paresnath Hill, W. Bengal
  2. A list of fishes from the Lake Chilka, together with a description of a new species of Gobius
  3. Some fish from Upper Burma

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Fishes from the Paresnath Hill, W. Bengal

Five species of fish were collected at Paresnath Hill by Dr. Annandale and myself in April 1909. They were obtained from a stream known as Sita Nullah at a height of 2.150 feet.

The specimens belong to three families, viz.

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A list of fishes from the Lake Chilka, together with a description of a new species of Gobius

The following list comprises two collections, one made by Mr. Hodgart, Museum collector, in the neighbourhood of Gopkuda Island in August 1907; the other by myself near Satpara in December 1908.

Satpara lies at the landward extremity of the narrow channel which connects Lake Chilka with the sea, whereas Gopkuda is far removed from the entrance.

On the way to the Lake (December 8th, 1908) three specimens of fish were purchased in the bazaar at Balgaon (B. N. Railway). These were identified as -

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Some fish from Upper Burma

Two collections of Burmese fish have recently been added to the Indian Museum; one was purchased by Dr. Annandale in the market at Mandalay (March 1908), while the other was obtained by Mr. J. Coggin Brown of the Geological Survey of India at Bhamo, Upper Burma, in January 1909. Some of the specimens in the latter collection were obtained from a tank (T), others from the Irrawaddy River (R).

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1 This is very probably a wrong identification. It is very probably C. panaw . For a detailed discussion see the first description of C. panaw by P. Musikasinthorn . [] Back

Acknowledgement and Source(s)

This text was originally published under the above title in: Records of the Indian Museum . 1910, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 128-138. The copyright owner Zoological Survey of India has granted the right to publish it on the org's site. The copyright of the text is still with the owner in full amount.

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