Introductio ad historiam naturalem, sistens genera lapidum, plantarum et animalium hactenus detecta, caracteribus essentialibus donata, in tribus divisa, subinde ad leges naturae

Giovanni Antonio (Johann Anton) Scopoli

Short Introduction to the Reader [added by]

This short passage is the accepted definition of the genus name Channa . Historically It is the 2nd publishing of the description of the genus Channa .This description relies on Theodor Laurens Gronovius book Zoophylacium Gronovianum . Furthermore, it is the genus description which is the accepted by the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature (Opinion 86, 1925).

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Genus III Anomedio

Divisio III

Apodes Pinnis ventralibus veris nullis. Channa. Gronow. Os lattisimum. Abdomen planum. Os dentibus minimis. Membrana branch. Off. 5). Pinnae inermes, 5).

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Acknowledgement and Source(s)

This passage was published in the book with the above title on page 459 and was published in Prague 1777.

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