
Albert Günther

Table of Contents (ToC)

  1. B. Separate Publications
  2. Special Part
  3. Ophiocephalidae
  4. Labyrinthici

Review of Publications

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B. Separate Publications

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BOAKE, B. On the air-breathing fish of Ceylon. Journ. of the Ceylon Branch R. As. Soc. 1866, pp. 128-142.

BOCOURT, -. Notes sur les Poissons recueillis pendant un voyage dans le royaume de Siam. Nouv Arch. Mus. d'Hist. Nat. 1866, ii. Bull. pp. 11-10, with a plate. The author states that fishes of the families of Labyrinthici and Ophiocephalidae form an article of food in Siam. He describes and figures three Siluroids.

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Special Part

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On the peculiarity of respiration in some Ceylonese species see Mr. Boake's observation mentioned below.

Channa ocellata (Ptrs.) is described as Ch. fasciata (sp. n.) by Steindachner Verh. zool.-bot. ges. Wien, 1866, p. 481, taf. 6. fig. 1 .


The Rev. Principal BOAKE has made the most interesting observation, and proved it by experiment, that several Ceylonese fishes are obliged to rise at certain intervals to the surface of the water to receive a quantity of air, the oxygenation of blood by means of the gills being apparently insufficient support life. When prevented from rising to the surface, they invariably died within from one to six hours. The species experimented upon were the Maddhacariya, [?], Hoonga [ Clarias teysmanni ], Magoora [?], Connia [ Ophiocephalus kelaartii ], Loola [ Ophioc. striatus ] Kawaya [ Anabas oligolepis ], Pooloota [ Polyacanthus signatus ]. Journ. of the Ceylon Branch R. As. Soc. 1866, 128-142. [As regards to Anabas and other Labrinthici, this observation is opposed to the statement of other naturalists, according to which these fishes are able to remain for a long period in more or less thickened mud, the surface of which is covered with so firm a crust that it is impossible for the fish to rise to the surface and to receive air. The branch cavity was supposed to hold a small quantity of water, filtered into it from the surrounding mud.]

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Acknowledgement and Source(s)

This text was originally published in: The Record of Zoological Literature - 1866 . 1867, vol. 3, pp. 131-160 (1-649). Edited by Albert Günther .

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