On a collection of fishes made in Korea, by Pierre Louis Jouy, with descriptions of new species.

David Starr Jordan
Edwin Chapin Starks

In 1885, the late Mr. Pierre Louis Jouy, then an assistant to the United States National Museum, visited Korea from Japan, making a considerable collection of fishes for the United States National Museum. We give in this paper a list of the species contained in that collection and those obtained by Ensign J. B. Bernadou, U. S. N., in the vicinity of Chemulpo, where he collected from September, 1884, till April, 1885, with descriptions of those new to science. It is evident that the marine fauna of Korea is essentially that of Japan, while that of the rivers is different as to species, and is as yet practically unknown. The plates accompanying this paper are drawn by Mrs. Chloe Lesley Starks. For the opportunity of studying the collection we are indebted to the courtesy of Mr. Richard Rathbun, Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution.

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Family Ophicephalidae

Ophicephalus Bloch

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Acknowledgement and Source(s)

These passages were originally published under the above title in: Proceedings of the United States National Museum . Vol. 28, pp. 193-212, 1905.

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