Reptiles, amphibians, and fishes collected by N.A. Sarudni on her second journey to Persia in 1898

A.M. Nikolsky

The second journey of N.A. Sarudni to the east of Persia was even more intersting than the first one because of its results.

This time she went into the south up to the Persian Baluchistan.1 In her collection can be found a large number of Indian forms.

A comparable route of this journey was published in the yearly publishing of the Zoological Museum in 1898.


Ophiocephalus gachua Ham. Buch.

This species is known from India and Afghanistan. It is found in the Bampur River, Persia, by N.A. Sarudni.


1 This is the today's South-Eastern Iran []. Back

Acknowledgement and Source(s)

This passage was originally published 1899 in Russian language in: Annuaire du Musée Zoologique de l'Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg. Vol.4, p. 375, 407. Translation from Russian was done by Andrea Sarow ( This article often can be found as a title in French: Reptiles, Amphibiés et Poissons, recueillis pendant le voyage de N. A. Zaroudny en 1898 dans la Perse.

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