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Latest informations on snakeheads
January 2024: Ralf Britz has sent us the link to his latest description of 4 new Channa species from Myanmar
Four new Species of Channa from Myanmar: C. rubora, C. rakhinica, C. coccinea, C. pyrophthalmus. Thanks to Ralf Britz, Tan Heok Hui, Lukas Rüber for their ichthyological contribution.
June 2019: Channa brunnea, a new species of snakehead (Teleostei: Channidae) from West Bengal, India. This could be the snakehead which was described as Channa amari only a few months ago. Let us see how science solves this naming problem ....
May 2019: A sensational news: In India a new genus of snakeheads has been found: . Please visit this video to see it alive (!): Aenigmachanna gollum
April 2019: Channa amari, a new species of Snakehead (Teleostei: Channidae) from North Bengal, India. This could be the snakehead which was known by Channaholics as Chocolate bleheri.
March 2019: A new species from the Marulia species complex discovered in the Mekong River (Laos, Cambodia) Channa auroflammea, Adamson, Britz, Leng
Oh this notorious bug ...!
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