Ophicephalus bankanensis Blkr.

Pieter Bleeker

C. bankanensis, drawing of Bleeker's atlas, table 397, fig. 1Bleeker's drawing of C. bankanensis, taken from his famous ichthyological atlas. If you have it in your channa shelf (several hundred thousands Euros ;-) go for table 397, fig. 1, else thank God, there is an Internet to save this ichthyological memory.
Ophicephal. copore elongato antice postice compresso, altitudine 8 et paulo 7 1/3 in ejus longitudine;capite acuto conico, 4 ad 4.5 in longitudine corporis; latitudine et altiudine capitis 2 circiter in ejus longitudine; lineo rostro-frontali junioribus declivi-rectiuscula aetate provectioribus convexa; fronte et vertice planiusculis; oculis diametro 5 1/2 ad 7 1/3 in longitudine capitis, diametris 1 1/3 ad 2 distantibus; maxilla inderiore maxilla superiore paulo longiore, dentibus serie interna conicis majoribus anterioribus caninoideis; maxilla superiore junioribus sub oculi parte posteriore, aetate provectioribus post oculum desinente, 2 2/3 ad 2 3/5 in longitudine capitis, dentibus pluriseriatis parvis, caninoideis nullis; rictu valde obliquo; dentibus vomero-palatinis biseriatis serie externa parvis serie externa parvis serie interna caninis vel caninoideis; squamis cycloideis, capitis parte postoculari 12 ad 14, lateribus 60 ad 65 p.m. in serie longitudinali; linea laterali sub radio dorsali 14° circiter deflexa postice rectiuscula; pinnis rotundatis, pectoralibus 1 3/5 ad 1 5/6, ventralibus 2 1/2 ad 2 3/4in longitudinali capitis; caudali 5 1/2 ad 6 1/2 in longitudine corporis; corpore superne viridi fuscescente-viridi nebulato, inderne margaricente undulata aetate provectiore evansecente; capite laterisbusque inferne guttulis fuscis vel nigris; operculo macula magna fusca vel nigricante; pinnis imparibus violascentibus vel fuscis nigro guttatis, anali basin versus aurantiaca; pectoralibus violaceo-fuscis radiis flavo vel aurantiaco punctatis et variegatis, ventralibus basi aurantiacis apicem versus fuscentibus.

Head of c. bankanensis, drawing of Bleeker's atlas, table 397, fig. 1aBleeker's drawing of the head shields of c. bankanensis, taken from his famous ichthyological atlas. Drawings of head shields were meant for species identification. Bloch 1793 started with this method and this method is still used.
B.5 D. 1/40 P. 1/16 V. 1/5 A 1/30 C. 14 et lat. brev.

Habit. Bandjermassing, in fluviis.

Longitudo specimis unici 350'''.

Aanm.Deze Ophicephalus schijnt na verwant te zijn aan Ophicephalus serpentinus CV. an Siam, van welke soort in de groote Histoire naturelle des Poissons slechts eene beschrijving der kleuren van het ligchaam voorkomt, benevens eene opgave van de getallen der vinstralen. Die kleuren zijn evenwel eenigzins anders dan bij mijn specimen en de getallen der vinstralen verschillen aanmerkelijk t. w. D. 44 A. 26. Ophicephalus bankanensis is ook verwant aan Ophicephalus rhodotaenia Blkr. (Nat. Tijdschr. N. Ind. II. p. 425) 1 van Borneo, doch deze heeft eenigzins andere kleuren, slechts 25 aarsvinstralen, den kop slechts 1 1/2 maal zoo lang als hoog, 50 shibben op ene overlangsche rei enz.


1 O. rhodotaenia is a synonym for C. melasoma. The description of O. rhodotaenia itself is not yet published here (higher priority: first descriptions). Back

Acknowledgement and Source(s)

This passage was originally published in: Bleeker, Pieter: Nieuwe bijdrage tot de kennis der ichthyologische fauna van het eiland Banka. Natuurkd. Tijdschr. Neder. Indié v. 3. pp. 715-738, 1852. The drawings have originally been published in Atlas ichthyologique des Indes orientales néerlandaises; publ. sous les auspices du Gouvernement Colonial néerlandais par Pieter Bleeker Part VIII, table CCCXCVII, fig. 1, 1a, 1878. The publishing on snakeheads.org has been made possible with the help of some ladies of the Staatsbibliothek Berlin. Thankyou Stabi!

If you know Latin or Dutch and if you are able to translate one of the above, we would be happy for help :-))). If you could translate it for us and send it in English to us.

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